Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This morning before I got out of bed I made myself think of three things I was grateful for. It's not as easy as it sounds on some days. I like to think of new things and not keep repeating the same ones because then it becomes routine and I'm not putting any thought into it and really appreciating these things. To be honest as I write I can't even remember what the three things were. I guess it doesn't matter because I remember the feeling I got from it. I got out of bed with a smile and I was able to transfer my happiness to my children as they got off to school. Having lupus most mornings- every morning- I need a reason to get out of bed and a focus on something other than the pain. When people see me I always have a smile - ok not always most of the time:) . One gentleman that I met at my favorite dentist's office, said that he couldn't believe that I had lupus because I was smiling and didn't appear to be in pain. Oh yeah gratitude - I was getting off track- I smile because I am grateful. I'm still here, I still breathe, I still can walk, I still can hold my children and my husband, I still can look outside and see all the beautiful colors, I still can smell all the delicious aromas of fall. It's the simple things that make me happy. Things we all can be grateful for. Enjoy your day!


  1. Very thoughtfull post on gratitude. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Mind Power
